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Auf Ihren Besuch freuen sich unsere "Quecksilber-Bande" sowie Mariette
und Stephan Hellinger

vom Quecksilber
Bergstrasse 6
56754 Dünfus
Tel. 02672/7658
Fax. 02672/910364

Harapós kutya

"Aus Ungarn wurde schon im
Mittelalter viel Fleisch exportiert.
Zu dieser Zeit trieben die Hirten
die Rinder noch zu Fuß nach Italien,
Deutschland und Frankreich. Die
Herden wurden in den Alpen mit
Hilfe von Kuvaszhunden gegen
angreifende Wölfe geschützt.

Die Hunde blieben dann zurück
oder sie vermehrten sich auf
der Reise. So funktionierte
damals der Hundeexport..."
Tibor Buzády, Ungarische Hunderassen, S. 97.

Hortobágyi juhászok (Postkarte, 1910)

Hortobágy, Juhászok

Hortobágy, Itatás a kútnál

"The largest plain in Hungary is the Hortobágy
[...].The changes which took place on the plains
in Hungary - as elsewhere in Europe - started
during the 13th-15th century, and continued,
at varying levels of intensity, up until the 18th
century. The degree to which the plains could
be used depended partly on such things as
unreasonablely high levels of taxation, plagues
and wars, as well as changes in the economic

Today we find plains where animal husbandry
took place on a huge scale. The animals were left
to graze on the pastures, in what were nomadic
circumstances [...] The animals were all
separated off according to type and then
watched over by their horse-herds, cow-herds,
shepherds, swineherds and their helpers. What
one now sees on the plains in the name of
animal husbandry is strictly for the tourists."
Out and About in Hungary, S. 26